MMORPG – Azerothian Introductions

One of the main ways I’ve gamed over the past decade (seriously, that long, dang….) has been in Azeroth (like so many other millions of people). From my first tentative forays into the world (including a very humorous trip swimming up continent) to running a raiding guild for a period of time, my time in Azeroth has been rewarding and has led me to a ton of friendships.

I can still remember the first time I was introduced to the game. A friend of mine from work knew I liked dice games and offered me his free trial discs (yes, the game at one point shipped with actual discs to install the game from and included free trial discs to give to your friends). I installed it that night and was hooked. My Tauren hunter Oorg was born and I never looked back. My wife (then fiancĂ©e) told me we would not be spending a penny on an online game. I nodded my head, content to settle for the 10 days of time I would get to play. Fast forward to a few days later, she storms in from the office, livid at the treatment she’d received from one of the lawyers at the firm. I promptly sat her down and she rolled up a warrior. Kissed her good night and went off to sleep (it was a Friday, I was due to open the bar the next morning). I wake up the next day, and she’s still sitting there, slaughtering zombies in Silverpine Forest. That night, we signed up for our accounts. These days, she doesn’t melee. However, she’s one wicked holy priest. Together we’ve rampaged against the worst enemies Azeroth has ever seen, healer and tank together.

I’ve seen couples fall apart because games got in the way of their relationship. Truth be told, it’s not been all idyllic for us either. Priorities weren’t always in the right place, but we talked it out and moved on. That said, the games have been immensely helpful to us, giving us a way to spend time together, albeit unconventionally. Granted, it has made for interesting conversations sometimes, and a fair bank of inside jokes, but I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.

That’s about all I’ve got in the tank tonight, we’ll definitely be talking more about this in the future, but until then, stay frosty and roll perception adventurers!
